Welcome to join the key event of the ExpandFibre Ecosystem and Programmes: Public annual seminar 3.11.2021!
The registration is now open for the annual seminar on 3rd Nov 2021 hosted by Fortum and Metsä Group.
The event is open for everyone to join and hear about the latest developments in bioproducts and the bioeconomy at large.
For whom?
This event is open to everyone.
Wednesday, 3rd November, 2021 at 12:00-15:00 EET.
This is a virtual event via Microsoft Teams but we are determined to host an interesting, engaging and interactive event. You will get a link to join the event after completing your registration.
Register to the event by Tuesday 2nd November – thank you!
Register here:
AGENDA (all times EET)
11:50 Event begins - join online and introduce yourself
12:00 Welcome session
- Overview of the Ecosystem status (incl. member questionnaire),
Katariina Kemppainen, Metsä Spring & Heli Virkki, Fortum (15 min)
- Business Finland partnership funding, Tuomas Lehtinen, Business Finland (10 min)
- 4Recyling - innovation ecosystem to tackle the plastics challenge,
Teija Laitinen, CLIC Innovation (20 min)
12:45 Highlights from ExpandFibre Programmes (30 min)
- Highlights of the 3D project, Jarkko Tuominen, Metsä Spring
- Joint fast-track to textile research, Päivi Lonka, Fortum
- Sustainable sourcing of straw, Axel Hinderer, Fortum
13:15 Coffee break (15 min): Interaction with "random dates" using MS Teams breakout rooms feature (5 persons in room)
13:30 Introductions of new ExpandFibre Ecosystem projects: 5-minute pitches from each project (30 min)
- Carbon neutrality empowered by Handprint, Tiina Pajula, VTT
- Future of Nonwovens (FoN), Taina Kamppuri, VTT
- Control of hydrogen bond formation in cellulose structures (HydBondCell), Tomas Björkvist, TUNI
- Advanced NUmerical MOdelling for rapid development of BIOcomposite applications (Numobio), Marko Mäkipää, VTT
14:00 Parallel pitching/brainstorming workshops via Teams, 2x25 min sessions (10 min for presentation & 15 min for discussion and further ideation). Each event participant has the chance to attend two thematic sessions (50 min in total):
- Non-woven market outlook & Suominen’s approach for more sustainable non-woven products. Miika Nikinmaa, Suominen
- Textile recycling – Experiences from demo plant start-up. Henna Knuutila, Rester
- Resource-wise utilisation of the hemicellulose containing side streams. Juha Ahola, Oulu University
- FinnCERES Flagship future directions: Eco-friendly textile post-treatment. Ali Tehrani, Aalto University
- Lignin as potential innovative and sustainable raw material for binders and resins, Detlef Schmiedl, Fraunhofer & Peter Lingenfelter, Prefere Resins .
14:50 Wrap-up and next steps of ExpandFibre & ExpandFibre Ecosystem
15:00 End of event